segunda-feira, 25 de junho de 2007

Now playing...

No leitor de CD do meu computador do escritório, para começar bem a semana:

The Jamie Saft Trio

Trouble: The Jamie Saft Trio Plays Bob Dylan

Tzadik - 2006

Fabuloso disco, com a participação do grande Mike Patton, que faz a voz na empolgante "Ballad of a Thin Man" e do andrógino Anthony, dos "Anthony & The Johnsons", que canta em "Living the Blues".

Cá vai a minha troca de e-mails com o Jamie Saft, quando cá veio tocar, em Março deste ano:

Thanks so much Pedro- we are very much looking forward to playing in braga- i love playing in portugal and the band is sounding amaziny- it will be the last gig of a verz succesfull tour, so it should be fun. look forward to seeing you there- best- saft
-----Original Message----->From: ................................>>Sent: Mar 20, 2007 8:20 PM>To:>Subject: Braga, Portugal>>Dear Jamie,>> >>I recently got to know your music when I bought your new album, >"Trouble", by advice of my music store.>>Although I don't usually listen to Dylan, I found "Trouble" absolutely >amazing, and have been listening to it almost everyday for the last two >months.>>I am really looking forward to your concert next Friday, in Braga, >Portugal.>> >>Best regards.

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